What should I learn next?
Hello, here's my question. I've learned HTML and CSS, currently working on JavaScript. What language can I learn to enhance my skill in web development. I'm thinking about a language to automate things for Accounts and Forms.
5 odpowiedzi
+ 1
Frameworks are not a language. However, learning frameworks is usually the next step after HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You may find the answer more valuable once you actually complete the JavaScript course. jQuery is a good first library to learn. Bootstrap is a popular "framework" (but I think it's a glorified premade stylesheet).
If you really wanted a language, you can pick any because you would be entering server-side (back-end) territory where anything goes. Popular choices would be PHP or Python (or Java, which isn't very related to JavaScript despite the similarity in name).
+ 1
Start with frameworks
Is that a language?
Where can I study frameworks?
You can study some of them here, some of them at w3schools.com, etc. There are lots of places to learn that are varying degrees of helpful. By the time you have a few languages under your belt, I think it would be best to go directly to the source and look up the documentation for the frameworks you are interested in learning. Wikipedia should give a decent overview, or just use a search engine with any two or more language you want to compare (e.g. "react vs angular vs vue"). There are some interesting opinions by pundits.