+ 5
C , C++ , C#
Which one of these is.... 1 - easier. 2 - more performant. 3 - used more . 4 - better for games. please answer.
6 odpowiedzi
+ 10
1. C is the smallest, but C++ and C# are easier because important data structures and algorithms are already efficiently implemented in libraries.
2. C. C++ is almost as fast. C# is a bit slower.
3. C is mainly used in OS programming. C# used almost only on Windows due to its integration of .Net and Windows Forms. I think C++ is the most widely used one.
4. C# is used in Unity Engine. C++ is used in Unreal Engine and CryEngine.
Learn C++ or C#. Keep in mind that C and C++ are somewhat related, but C# is closer to Java and specialised on Windows applications.
+ 5
If you want the easier one and better for games (used with unity), go for C# :)
C and C++ go deeper and are older but still more performant.
Enjoy ;)
+ 2
C++ is the best language to start with for learning Object Oriented Programming (OOP). It is the most widely used language for configuring industrial and game-based applications since its completion by Sir Bjarne Stoustrup.
After becoming a good C++ programmer with a good knowledge of the algorithms and their application in the C-language family, begin learning C# if you want to be a hardcore Windows Software and Games Developer.
You would not find much difference in the two languages mentioned above, but learning C++ is probably a better option because C# forces you to use OOP.
I hope this helps.
+ 1
Chris C is used wide in Linux UI like Gnome.
+ 1
ShadowWrath72 c++ is really useful, where as c# is amazing for games and 3d modeling