+ 7
Any 'Digital Electronics' related courses/lessons here at SoloLearn?
4 odpowiedzi
+ 9
there is no Leson in Solo Lern releted to Electroincs 🙁
i am alredy posted lessones on Digial Electronics programming microcotroller Coding but lessones are pendding
+ 7
No, I don't think so, and I would prefer for it to stay that way. Unless it is within the field of programming, we should be deepening our resources in a single direction, instead of branching outwards infinitely into a "how to basic" app.
+ 4
Hatsy Rei You could add Arduino or BeagleBone lessons without necessarily branching outwards programming.
+ 4
Hatsy Rei yes better refinement than expansion, I would personally enjoy more info inside of the lessons areas, maybe references to deeper level knowledge of the concepts since they kind of gloss over some of the finer details that i enjoy!