+ 3
C# in unity and if SoloLearn is useful for learning any of this?
Hi everyone I’ve heard in unity you have to program in c# and I was wondering if the SoloLearn c# course will help me at all with the kind of programming that unity uses?
22 odpowiedzi
+ 9
Yup. What you'll learn here about C# (and then further on Unity's website about C# scripting - https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ScriptingSection.html ), is more than enough to get you going with Unity.
However, although it'll suffice to get you going in Unity, I highly recommend that you take the time afterward to further educate yourself on C# and become better at it. Don't settle for bare minimum.
+ 5
Tbh I completed the C# course for Unity, but when I started in Unity I thought: "What did I learn all of that for?"
I forgot 90% of the C# course because you simple don't need it for Unity. I can't even write a Hello World program.
You need to know the syntax, functions, maybe some data structures and how to import libraries or w/e they are called in C#. Except for those features, you're only going to use the Unity API.
I'm not saying though that you shouldn't learn C#. I see you've only learned Python so far, so it's a great opportunity to get into a lower-level language. Use it for Unity, but try to also deepen you knowledge otherwise.
+ 4
thanks that helps a lot
+ 3
Unity is free. There is only 1 version.
Only if you are in a company with at least 3000$ revenue you need to buy a license, if I remember correctly - the license for personal use is free. The professional license doesn't give you any new features.
There's an asset store with lots of free, but also a lot of expensive assets. Codes, scripts, meshes, textures, effects, sounds, diagnostic tools and other features.
They might make developing games easier, but you don't need them.
+ 2
sorry 🙏, (unity)what does the mean?
+ 2
its a game engine used for making games.But you have to use c# to progrram the game elements
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it is used to make lots of good games in 3d and 2d
+ 2
oh,I like that but i dont know make that
+ 2
yea i dont know much about unity im still doing the c# course myself so if you want to do unity i suggest you do the sololearn c# course and do some resarch online
+ 2
👌 thank you so much
+ 2
👌 thank you so much
+ 2
👌 thank you so much
+ 2
no problem👍
+ 2
What's your short/long term goals with this? I'm a game developer also, among other things.
+ 2
well i want to design my own games and then create them using programing in a game engine. i would really love to so this because i like the logic of programing and the creativity of designing a game.
+ 2
unity? is it free?
+ 2
one version is but the best versions arn’t
+ 2
can you just use unity for learning and not release/pay anything?
+ 2
Yes. Download Unity Free and check out the official tutorials. You're not limited at all.
Unity Plus is only for people who actively develop games, buy lots of assets and want to remove the splash screen.
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