How to download a canvas image?
4 odpowiedzi
+ 17
I am not sure about download but try right click save as.
If you're okay with user action required (right click on an image), you could ask the canvas to output its content as base64-encoded data (it looks like this, internally):
...but you would inject it into the page as a downloadable image:
// create a dynamic image element
var imgEl = document.createElement('img');
// transfer base64-encoded image data
imgEl.src = canvas.toDataURL();
// insert and render the image
Returning because I got pinged, the issue to overcome with "downloads" is initiating a *protocol* (http) download via *scripting* (which is not http) -- because you need the browser to receive headers and a MIME type.
So, two other solutions, because canvas doesn't support right-click:
* Round-trip it to a server -- avoided in my previous answer as unnecessarily complicated -- but you could just xhr() or fetch() that.
* Just occurred to me: an overlay image that uses toDataURL() but overlays a right-clickable image:
That gets you right click with some blocks-client disadvantages, but it's more like a tutorial than my answers.