Hi, Can you write a text inside a rectangle in HTML? and if so, how is it done? thank you, I await your answers
4 odpowiedzi
+ 1
thanks for your help
+ 3
Well, thanks for your answer, it's just to show a text inside a rectangle on a web page, for example, write a <p> <h1> <a> <nav> tag
+ 3
You can style a paragraph, a div, or heading with CSS. I see you are also learning CSS right now, but I'm not so sure if it is a good idea to show borders on (standard) hyperlinks or navigation block.
Here's the chapter on CSS lesson about borders:
+ 2
Can you explain a bit more? what did you mean by write a text? accepting text input? or just have some text shown in the page within a rectangular shape, or animated text? details can help others to help you faster, solution can be offered sooner, having a clear view of the question