Can you suggest best Backend Language basis of number of project and Money?
I want to learn Backend Development , Can you suggest me the best programming language according to you and Please don't tell me that all languages are best and Choose according to your interest pls😁.
7 odpowiedzi
+ 5
PHP has reputation for being used by leaders like Wordpress, Facebook, … and can get a job for you in those companies. But Node.js has high demand right now and fast progressing.
So, it depends upon you.
+ 5
programmarayush This is why encryption and hashes for! Did you heard that WordPress hacked?
+ 3
programmarayush hi,
If learning is the criteria then dont worry about security now,
security is advance topic and its not like PHP is inherently insecure language. Anyway on the bonus side if u find insecurities in PHP then even better make money with it, coz there are bounties and companies give thousands of dollars on finding security loopholes.
coming back to best language, since your use requirements are not clear,
I ll suggest,
start with Nodejs, PHP, Python.
want to get serious then Java, C#
want the best language but least tested then go with Golang or Kotlin.
Thinking different go with Ruby, scala.
Are a perfectionist go with C/C++,
Are an extremists go with assembly
Or go smart, mix and match many based on application requirements, development ecosystem and efficiency.
P. S. : These are my opinions, I myself am a beginner :-)
+ 2
'Beginner'?! You? Master in web and pretty good in others!
Who am I? Morpheus
+ 2
Security of web pages doesn't rise or fall when choosing the language. If the coder is bad, he won't write secure code, no matter which language he's using... and vice versa
+ 1
Thanks But The websites made from PHP is less secure . What do you think ?
+ 1
I think wordpress and facebook are the giant , and they will be also hack(Facebook Zero Day Attack) .But what's the security difference between Java /Python/PHP?
please answer this