Number system game

Two 5 years boys playing number system game between them. Boy A, is cleaver than boy B and he decides to check the memory of boy B. Therefore, A is testing the memory of B and he decides to give 5 different cards to B. Asking him, can you tell me the smallest and largest card, after seeing the cards only once. So design two functions, which will help A, to check with B’s answer is correct or wrong. For this problem consider cards numbers are start from 1 and ends with 20. Input Format First line of input has a integer n that is numner of cards. Next n integers are the numbers on card Constraints All cards must be of even number (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) If constraints are not satisfied, display message “Wrong Input, B wins” without quotes Output Format First line print number of card. Second line print MAX= maximum number on card Third line print MIN= minimum number on card Sample Input 0 5 10 12 2 4 16 Sample Output 0 5 MAX=16 MIN=2

10th Oct 2018, 8:12 PM
Aakash - avatar
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Where is your try?
10th Oct 2018, 8:20 PM
KrOW - avatar