+ 143

If I go to a programmer interview and say "Sololearn" when asked "Where did you learn programming" will they laugh at me?

How much respect does the industry have for Sololearn?

22nd Oct 2018, 11:44 PM
Sonic - avatar
78 odpowiedzi
+ 157
Why they want to know where you learn code? Just show the company some project or code you worked before. If don't have anything to show just try to participate some code marathon or start a personal project. Just make a portfolio. If you show quality they not even want to know with you learn to code with monkeys or with Linus. Some companys can make questions in interview about some code problem. So if you say you good and in avaliation show skills. You will be fine. Edit: Whoaa!! Didn't expect so many upvotes. Thanks everyone. Edit1: Top Answer Badge?!! The upvote train is to strong. Really thanks.
23rd Oct 2018, 12:40 AM
Anya - avatar
+ 105
Speaking as someone who frequently interviews developers from senior to junior levels, I would never laugh at anyone for anything during an interview. That said, if a candidate said they learned everything they know is solely from SoloLearn, I would question how ready they would be to transition into professional software engineering. This is different from someone explaining they were active in the SoloLearn community. In this case, I would see this as a positive. It says you are someone who is immersed in technology beyond what is required. My advice is to highlight SoloLearn as one of several communities you're involved in and explain the value SL has for you. Ultimately, it's going to boil down to what you know and whether or not it matches what the company is looking for at that time. It's also going to depend on your communication skills, how well you present yourself, and whether your personality was a fit.
23rd Oct 2018, 3:15 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 51
Most of what I've wanted to say has been covered by the other very well-composed replies in this thread. IMO, it's not about the respect the industry has for SoloLearn - When interviewers are unfamiliar of SL (which appears to be the most probable case), they perceive the effectiveness of the platform/community as a learning tool, through your performance/behaviour during the interview. From their perspective, you are the ambassador, you shape the image of SL. Instead of SL being a merit or a demerit to your CV, it's much likely to be the other way around, in which you represent us. Putting another scenario on the table: I put myself in the shoes of an interviewer, and someone comes up to me claiming that he/she is active in SO or any other well-known platform. I wouldn't really say that it's much of a merit either. While those platforms are indeed reputable, it does not directly reflect your contributions / the nature of your activity. Relying on your own skills would certainly be a much better bet.
23rd Oct 2018, 3:45 AM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 43
Thanks for your valuable responses. David Carroll, Janning⭐ so, any chance I could join your teams? Just kidding. I've got a bit more to learn here and elsewhere before I take the plunge. I like what I can learn on Sololearn but dislike how the XP system works. If I want to find my standing amongst programmers, my initial reaction is to check how much XP I have. But I'm also tempted to gain XP by repeating the same questions on html markup challenges day and night without learning anything new. If I learn something new or write code instead, I lose out on the chance to gain XP and that gives me an impression that I am not that great amongst learners. Thanks all once again for the great answers. Jeffrey Koh so poetic! 😀
23rd Oct 2018, 5:38 AM
Sonic - avatar
+ 41
Being also a hiring manager, I agree with David Carroll and Hatsy Rei . I've already upvoted both, but the general response to "Where did you learn programming?" would be something like "I'm self-taught." If they are really interested, you can list a bunch of resources you commonly refer to (throw in SoloLearn as one of the things that got you interested and are active in or use for practice, but I'm more impressed if you understand the specs / documentation for something I'm hiring you for, can problem solve around it in a pragmatic way, and can communicate well, etc.). Remember that just because you're applying for the job, doesn't mean you're not interviewing them at the same time. If they laugh at you instead of with you, I'd be very concerned with taking a position with them. 😾 They don't deserve you! 🤗
23rd Oct 2018, 5:15 AM
Janning⭐ - avatar
+ 23
Thank you for the latest information David Carroll and BroFarOps 🎃👻🍬, two great warriors and overall nice guys on this platform. I am sure the community has much to learn from both of you.
1st Nov 2018, 7:47 PM
Sonic - avatar
+ 22
i didnt think they will ask that but i dont care if thwy laugh at me, i am proud to be here
23rd Oct 2018, 2:48 AM
Jingga Sona
Jingga Sona - avatar
+ 19
Yes shirt button analogy is great. Much like a top down or bottom up approach to learning to code.
3rd Nov 2018, 8:11 PM
Sonic - avatar
+ 17
Good thoughts, Sonic . My impression is that SoloLearn is prioritizing fun ways to engage and attract learners to the programming/development world. Once people know they enjoy programming/development (and not just the game aspect), they will likely pursue more advance material already available in droves. While I don't focus on the XP, I have a similar... attraction... to reading the Q&A. It can be a bit distracting when I maybe also wanted to finish a code snippet or something. 🤔 My fault though. Always looking for those gold nuggets in the high quality questions and high quality answers. 😅
23rd Oct 2018, 5:50 AM
Janning⭐ - avatar
+ 17
As nice as it would be, it's highly unlikely an interviewer would hire anyone based on one's performance in challenges or interactions in SoloLearn. Hiring decisions are made by how well the candidate presents themselves and what they can demonstrate about their knowledge during the interview. Mentioning SoloLearn will have little to no impact (negative or positive) on hiring decisions. It will be a conversation piece that provides additional insight about the candidate. Ultimately, the SoloLearn Community is not a bootcamp for getting hired or the end-all-be-all source for learning to develop. Rather, SoloLearn is a great community for new developers to supplement their learning, encourage each other, and showcase their growth. It's also a great place for seasoned developers to mentor others and provide insight based on their experiences. Above all, SoloLearn is for all people from every corner of the globe from all backgrounds of life to connect on this passion we all share for programming.
1st Nov 2018, 5:13 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 13
In the years before 1970 IBM, also known as Big Blue, only hired employees with one skill. Since programming was the driving force in the company, you might be surprised to find out that the skill most valued was not the ability to program computers, but the ability to learn new languages. The way the determination was made was to ask the interviewee one question which would eliminate potential employees. That question was, "Can you play any musical instruments, and if so, which one(s). Inability to play music was sufficient for you to be disqualified from becoming employed. Fortunately for those who can't play music at all IBM no longer uses musical talent as a hiring requirement. Don't worry so much about where you learn as you do about the quality. Don't make the mistake of assuming SoloLearn is all you need. The lessons are lacking some details good programmers know. You probably have developed a programming style based on what you have seen here. You will probably be expected to adopt Co standards.
24th Oct 2018, 6:58 PM
Roger Greenlaw
+ 13
Well, I'm sure the job interviewers would be more interested in your programming skills than where you learned coding. If I were the job interviewers, I wouldn't laugh because Sololearn is a great learning tool. Maybe it would help to have a degree in some type of coding or computer science though 😂✌️👍
1st Nov 2018, 2:36 AM
Christine - avatar
+ 12
See Sonic it doesn't matter for an interviewer the source from where you have learnt coding, what matters is " HOW EFFICIENTLY & CORRECTLY YOU CODE"(and if you are good with your subject no one gonna laugh ) Industry wise Solo learn is not that reputated and It is just a medium to learn up a little and obviously one cannot totally rely on SOLOLEARN for learning code..(as it is just help you to brief up with the topics ) cheers :) P.S. SUGGESTIONS ARE APPRECIATED
23rd Oct 2018, 2:26 AM
Brijesh - avatar
+ 10
I don't know 😂, i think it depends on the company. If the company you are applying to know sololearn or at least respect creativity, they won't laugh at you.
22nd Oct 2018, 11:54 PM
XynonyX - avatar
+ 10
P.S. I shared my last response as a standalone post because I thought it might be relevant to others who might not be following this question. I hope no one minds. https://www.sololearn.com/post/43078/?ref=app
1st Nov 2018, 5:44 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 8
if I may ask, where are you applying to?
22nd Oct 2018, 11:56 PM
XynonyX - avatar
+ 8
knowledge is more important than source.
24th Oct 2018, 1:16 AM
Rakesh gadhwal
Rakesh gadhwal - avatar
+ 8
Interviewers should not display any sort of behaviour during an interview. I mean, isn't that interviewer etiquette? But deep inside, consider the fact that most people don't know what is Sololearn. They should be likely to ask what Sololearn is, or if they happen to be somewhere in this community, they probably won't ask too much. They will check your profile maybe? IDK, I am not even in the job searching phase of my life.
24th Oct 2018, 3:30 AM
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬 - avatar
+ 8
If I went to a job interview the question might be do you have any formal training ie college, votech, undergrad, private institutions, what type of programming experience do you have and for how many hours, in what languages did you use professionally... and so on. As to Sololearn, I began using Sololearn as a hobby however it has helped me to discover new methods and project ideas on my own and through what I have seen others do... I agree with most all the comments that have been posted as far as Sololearn being a primary source ~ most employers are not going to give much if any true weight upon hiring. FreeCodeCamp is pretty much in the same arena. w3schools certs at one time were highly respected as well but I believe even they have lost some of their academic footing, though still regarded as a good resource for many.
25th Oct 2018, 9:57 PM
BroFar - avatar
+ 8
I agree with all above commenters,you don't need to be ashamed or to afraid if someone laughing or not. Just learn coding and go ahead buddy 👍 be proud on yourself!!!!
27th Oct 2018, 11:21 AM
Florinn - avatar