+ 5
No connection everytime i open codes and posts
I have to tap "Try Again" Several times so i can see the code/post... Did it just me or everyone? EDIT: And i have to save this question two times until the question is posted
8 odpowiedzi
+ 7
I also facing this problem . I reported this issue many times.. 😓
+ 4
Close Sololearn and open it again? Sometimes i encounter that problem!
+ 4
Because so many people might be on SL at the same time, the server could be a bit (or a lot!) slow.
+ 3
I think Rowsej is right
+ 3
Kirk Schafer I use iOS, not Android.
+ 3
Alright, firewalls would be a special/remote case. I often wait a few minutes and retry because NOCs unrelated to SoloLearn can be congested/dropping...but if it happens at a certain time of day I'd add that to feedback reports. Networking is pretty robust / somewhat self-healing so anything repeatable tends to be more interesting (that is, if I were troubleshooting; I don't have visibility in this case)
+ 1
Those of you with the problem, are any of you by chance disconnected from Google Mobile Services, i.e., running the app in a way that is not connected to Google Play (like security systems / firewalls in the way)?