+ 7
How to take over the world via programming?
Preferably with Python. This should be an easy task so just tell me guys, cuz I wanna be a queen!!!
5 odpowiedzi
+ 3
It might be a good idea to start by coding a massive, self-conscious AI, but an AI will only get you so far if you don't have access to other networks. If you want that access, you've got to start by taking over a major ISP. Find a way to inject the AI into the ISP's intranet and have it take over the executive business decisions, databases, etc., and set up a VPN between you and the AI so you can give it any orders you need to.
+ 6
@Baptiste Legrand ok thx I'll get right on it!
+ 4
Phyton doesnt work for that project, you need to learn HTML to dominate the world
+ 2
Code a self conscious IA that respect you as its only ruler. Let it do the taking over for you. #done #skynet