Which Eclipse IDE do I have to click on to install it ?
hi all ! Good news ! Eclipse endly has opened just now ! Thanks God ! (and Tech Raj in Youtube) ...so now the question is which Eclipse IDE do I have to click on to install it ? Eclipse IDE for java Developpers? , Eclipse IDe for javaEE developers? , Eclipse IDE for C/C++ developers ? Eclipse IDe for Eclipse comitters ? Eclipse Modeling Tools ? Eclipse IDE for Rust developers ? Which one please ?look : https://www.cjoint.com/c/HKdtqjygU1w I d like the same as the java classes & Objects lesson course : https://www.cjoint.com/c/HKdu0N3wrMw Thanks for your help all !
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Aekmoshi Tongjai
Hi, Welcome to SoloLearn! 😊
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An useful code for any new user here!;)
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You are welcome! 😊
I use eclipse-oxygen and I work in Java SE. I sent you a link from the official site, freely download and work, do not worry. 👍😉
+ 1
Thanks a lot Danijel ! so it is the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers"...
because when we look carefully to the screen used in the object & classes java course , it looks like that the logo is different compared to the IDE in your link , isn't it ?
look :
what do you think of that Danijel ?
Thanks Daniel !