How to Access SCSS Sass to HTML file?
I want to Have SCSS imported to a HTML file. How do you do it? Ty for all feedback!😉☺️😁😊
9 odpowiedzi
+ 5
Mike has already answered that question: it needs to be compiled into CSS first. He even shared a tutorial.
+ 4
Looks like you already knew the answer to your question. Then why did you ask?
+ 3
SASS/SCSS is a CSS preprocessor that needs to be compiled into normal css before linking it to your html page. https://tutorialzine.com/2016/01/learn-sass-in-15-minutes
+ 2
After putting code below into your command prompt (assuming you have sass installed and you change style text to your file name) just use a normal link tag.
sass --watch styles.scss:styles.css
<link rel="stylesheet"href="styles.css">
+ 1
You need to format the SCSS into normal CSS to use it in a html file.
+ 1
theres a extenction for it.
.scss Is the extention, You dont need the .css or .sass
+ 1
I know, That it is a Preprocessor
+ 1
Well i know Basic syntax of scss, and know it is a propessor, But i want to link it to my HTML file Kishalaya Saha , That was i was asking the whole Time!
+ 1
Thanks mike For answering!