+ 7
Why don't they check my submitted quizzes?
Quiz Submission
5 odpowiedzi
+ 6
It takes a very long time for quizzes to get approved.. Something like 2 or 3 months...just be patient,plus your quizzes might not get approved so keep creating more....
+ 5
They would, it can just take a while, even months. I suspect until enough community members have rated your submission, it may not be checked by the official team. So we should all rate submissions more often.
Also, this question is better suited for your activity feed. Please check out the guidelines here:
+ 2
Just in case I ll add the steps for how to rate challange submissions.
1. Goto challanges tab ( 2nd from top Left)
2. Click on the circular plus button (bottom right)
3. In the "choose your weapon" box, scroll to bottom and click on
" Get an exclusive badge by creating new weapons and challanges
Quiz Factory "
4. Then click second option
" Rate submissions "
5. Choose the language
Now go through newly posted challanges and rate them one by one, please make sure that challanges doesnt contain any grammatical or syntax error before giving it a like/dislike.
+ 2
Tyrant There is a certain like limitations in rating section to approve my quizzes?
+ 1
I waited for quite a while.