+ 8
what is your favorite JavaScript textbook?
best JavaScript textbook ? ...I recommend javascript.info
10 odpowiedzi
+ 9
Hi Lisa!
If you use the search bar, you may find plenty of good suggestions.
+ 5
"You don't know JS" book series by Kyle Simpson: https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS
+ 5
ty all. I am specifically looking for a textbook that is not only written well but also has hands on exercises for practice. tyty
+ 4
head first JavaScript programming
+ 4
JavaScript the Good Parts - O'Reilly
+ 2
Lisa F , my favorite JS textbook is the bestselling :Javascript The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan.
You wouldn't regret it
+ 1
Eloquent JavaScript,
2nd Edition
+ 1
I don't use book....I prefer udemy Lynda and etc...I take this courses for free...actually I use every thing for free (jet brains ides, windows, and every thing that you think...)
good luck
+ 1
@Jan Markus Perfection, my friend xD