Can anyone explain me the purpose of this line in splay tree function in c++
splay* Insert(int key, splay* root) { static splay* p_node = NULL; if (!p_node) p_node = New_Node(key); else p_node->key = key; if (!root) { root = p_node; p_node = NULL; //return root; } root = Splay(key, root); /* This is BST that, all keys <= root->key is in root->lchild, all keys > root->key is in root->rchild. */ if (key < root->key) { p_node->lchild = root->lchild; p_node->rchild = root; root->lchild = NULL; root = p_node; } else if (key > root->key) { //explain the line just below thus comment p_node->rchild = root->rchild; p_node->lchild = root; root->rchild = NULL; root = p_node; } else return root; p_node = NULL; return root; }
2 odpowiedzi
I think that the meaning is
If root's key is smaller, make root as left child
of newnode and copy the right child of root to newnode
Read this article and try the implementation in playground to understand better...