+ 1
Like this ? https://code.sololearn.com/W9V7a1HtMeaU/
+ 3
Dani Intini wrote : << Mhh.. it doesn't work what you've suggested visph. I want that when the sidebar is toggled, the hamburger menu move like 300px to the left. >>
Maybe you had put a space between the ".container" and the ".change" in the ".container.space" selector, because it worked. And if that was just that the move to the left was not enough, what to do was just to adapt the values used (-300 instead of -235) : roughly what had done KrOW ^^
+ 2
You could do something like:
position: fixed;
top: 0%;
transition: transform 250ms ease 150ms;
.container.change {
+ 1
you have to change something:
/* replace right with follow*/
left: -300px;
/* replace margin-left with follow*/
/* replace right with follow */
You meant that the sidebar have to be on right side of screen but the hamburger menu have to be on left side of sidebar?