+ 4

(★ ¿ ★) I am suffer with lack of responsive design?(★?★)

→Let me know what i improve to design the web page? →What are the precautions i should take? →what are the famous colors for webPage parts [ex:header,nav,article,sidenav's,footer etc.,]? →Dimensions using margins,display,position properties,padding regarding the responsiveness? →Is must and should bootstrap and jQuery for better responsiveness? →What are the properties actually used for responsive?

13th Jan 2019, 1:17 PM
Mahesh Muttinti
3 odpowiedzi
13th Jan 2019, 11:25 PM
Da2 - avatar
+ 2
three important concepts to learn for responsiveness are @keyframes, grids and flexbox. you should also use % instead of px for properties such as width and height when possible
17th Jan 2019, 2:14 PM
Logomonic Learning
Logomonic Learning - avatar