15 odpowiedzi
+ 9
+ 5
Game Engine... No. But python has a 3rd party library situable for games called "Pygame"
+ 5
I Start learning Creating My Game Using Python. Im using PyGame
+ 4
The Godot game engine is free and uses GDScript which is a Python-like scripting language. It also has full support for C# 7.0 and C++. Check it out at: https://godotengine.org
KidsCanCode on YouTube also has some very good step-by-step tutorials to teach game developement with Python using Pygame starting with the very basics. He also has videos on how to use Godot.
+ 3
Yoi can use pygame for bigger games but for small games you can also use the graphics.py library
+ 3
pygame or pygame_sdl2 can be used for making computer games with Python.
But if you want to make Mobile games with Python, Kivy may be used for it.
Often graphical packages should not be combined.
+ 1
Python is not a good choice for games.
Since you recently started learning it, you should instead learn C# or Java.
I don't know any game engine for Python. But you can try pygame or turtle module.
I just finished a simple Space Invaders game in Python and it's all made of turtles.
You can download it from this link if you want.
7.4MB .rar file
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For games be C++, C#, Java. But not Python! Python for Web-develoment.
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Python an gaming mix best with projects like MarIO (the machine learning project that learns to play maria) but its still well worth knowing if you want to branch out.
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There is a best game engine compatible with Python is Panada3D which can also be used with PyGame!
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sample game , created using pygame https://www.mediafire.com/file/g62vwvbsw9lh8q5/GAME-TKS.zip/file