+ 9
How do programmers memorise all these commands?
18 odpowiedzi
+ 33
No one remembers everything by heart. The more you practice, the more you remember. The important thing is to gain enough experience so that you know how to do things and solve problems even if you have to look up the exact syntax in a reference.
+ 9
Just imagine how difficult it must be for those who don't speak English.
+ 6
i dont remember all the commands so i created a note on notepad with all the commands i learnd so far and iets use so if i wonder i go and look and also i create the program of each exrisize and play with the code this way i remember the most used ones atleast
+ 2
You remember these if you are genuinely interested and are practicing by making applications. And its ok to use Google :)
+ 1
google it bro 😎
+ 1
don't worry about this whatever u want go to Google and get it :) no one can fully memorized these codes when they need some code refer on Google to solve his problem
+ 1
create a notepad
+ 1
I am a beginner....and I have created a seprate notebook for all programming stuff.
when you start using this its seems very easy its take time to learn
try by taking screenshots then just have a look at them any time you are free. soon you'll have a picture in your head and it'll help alot. otherwise it's all about practice as it's said, "practice makes perfect. "
When we remember by your brain
You make cod of this html coding so u can easily remembered
I'm not an English speakers at least no fully and I know how difficult is to learn and remember some commands
Recently used codes you may by heart and rest of them take a note..
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Write In Ur Text Book While Learning This Tutorial..
u Can Keep That Code In Ur Memory.
and U need to do some testing projects
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creat your own notes to remember them and do more practicing
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practice and see people's codes in real projects (check out github)
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no it not imp. to memories all this u just need to apply it all for first time ......u will definitely able to save it in your brain👍
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When we learn new tag we should use that in our own code..by doing this..easy we can remember the code..
This is not memorize..this is like practice in our own logic..and understands the code usage..