+ 136

Is data science here to stay?

Do you believe this phenomenon will endure years? Would you bet on data science for your informatic future?

17th Feb 2019, 11:19 AM
Paolo De Nictolis
Paolo De Nictolis - avatar
150 odpowiedzi
+ 140
For years to come - definitely. For decades - doubtfully. I think that the today's data slicing fun will ultimately be taken over by AI, once it is ready and attainable enough. For most business solutions it will be sufficient enough.
17th Feb 2019, 3:22 PM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 84
Well Kuba Siekierzyński I think the AIs would work based on data science and perform the task of data science themselves, so no matter what happens data science technically is here to stay, whether brain cells or artificial circuits do it. :)
17th Feb 2019, 3:40 PM
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬 - avatar
+ 61
Never have I said that artificial intelligence would take over the whole process. It will surely catch the data wrangling part (it's just a matter of time) which is currently the core of data science workload. It will free data scientists' time, sire, but at the same time it will make the demand drop rapidly. A normal service life-cycle, I'd say. After the hype and the apogee comes the drop and stabilization phase.
18th Feb 2019, 4:45 PM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 28
Yes as long as the world has consumers and producers and capitalism and profits. Each producer will utilise data science and business intelligence to try to maximise/optimise profits. Consumers also may use such tools to maximise value etc.
18th Feb 2019, 7:18 AM
Sonic - avatar
+ 28
Morpheus Interviewing a data scientist is not an easy task. You have to check both the hard skills and the business intuition. If you are an expert in any of those, you'd probably want to put an emphasis on that. Here are the most common job interview questions from last year, most of them checking the hard skills, thus being rather universal among industries: https://www.sololearn.com/post/85903/?ref=app
13th Apr 2019, 12:51 PM
Data Science
Data Science - avatar
+ 23
David Carroll As for software engineering - as I see it, based on my cooperation with such people - is about making stuff work, putting it to production and making sure it runs perfectly in the company's ecosystem. Recently, I witnessed such work in one of the projects I managed, where software engineers proposed a microservice solution, brought the necessary components to the company and coded them, made them talk to each other and to our company's core systems plus built their own applications upon them to monitor, manage and supervise the behaviour of the whole machine. During this, I admired their level of abstract thinking, making use of technologies normally perceived as distant and actually coding them to work together, all done practically from scratch -- from the very bottom mechanism, up to the GUI. Amazing achievement, I must say. And a loooot of fun, as I was told :)
13th Apr 2019, 7:11 AM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 21
David Carroll About making a distinction between data science and software engineering -- I have not enough experience in neither of those fields to be of any real use here, but I can relate to your view on this a bit. Data science involves dealing with data, but it also requires business or domain knowledge. A data scientist has to know and understand all the processes behind the analyzed data, as they often carry aggregated or symbolified information. This means there is a lot to learn from the real world and how this is represented with the data you are analyzing. Then, you start making assumptions or hypotheses, test them and see if you can build on those. After a series of trials and errors you come to a conclusion and either withdraw a step, if your idea turned out to be wrong or progress if you see a pattern being built. So this is a lot about experimentation, problem posing and solving, logical and abstract thinking, business-driven, applied approach and incremental paradigm. (cont.)
13th Apr 2019, 7:00 AM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 21
Kuba, wolF, Sonic, Calviղ or anyone else who needs my attention, please use the mention feature if you need me to see your replies. I will delete this message once I see your upvotes. I've got to unsubscribe from posts like this when it reaches a point where it's simply on repeat mode and nothing new is being introduced in new entries.
15th Apr 2019, 12:42 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 20
lol the future is qubits superpositioning and entanglement square root N iterations and googles Bristlecone brings all that a step closer. 72 cubits kind of smashed IBMs 50 cubit record. every major tech company on earth is embarking in the hunt for Quantum supremacy even Microsoft’s quantum development kit comes with a quantum-focused domain specific language called Q#, a quantum simulation environment, and many open source libraries and beginner samples. the battles set data science will just be one of the areas they all fight over lol
17th Feb 2019, 7:42 PM
peter - avatar
+ 20
[#01] Is it just me or do most people seem to believe data science is some new field of study that instantly emerged as an overnight sensation? This posted question 1) refers to data science as a phenomenon and 2) implies that data science is one option for applied informatics - neither of which makes any sense with my understanding. So, I'm curious about the following questions from NON Professionals: 1) Do most people see data science as something new? 2) What do people think data science is? 3) What is the major appeal of data science that is creating so much excitement? I genuinely want to know since it seems to be lost on me. Perhaps, I'm just completely missing something that everyone else sees clearly. 😉
12th Apr 2019, 8:56 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 19
I am sure it gonna stay for even a long period of time
18th Feb 2019, 3:06 PM
+ 19
Data science is quite appealing to me. I think the new Gold Rush is in Data science, we are generating data at such high volume & rate these days that we can barely process it. The demand for people who can infer useful conclusions from raw data is high. The lucrative data scientists profession will keep on growing as the competition between corporations having petabytes of data will grow. But I have a feeling that a Data Scientist's job is very tough as they have to know the business & process much more closely to make an impact. Also going through few articles it seems that they know a bit of everything which makes me curious on "How to actually interview a Data Scientist?"
13th Apr 2019, 10:36 AM
Morpheus - avatar
+ 18
I think data science has a huge importance in coming years as there will be lots and lots of data to process...
12th Apr 2019, 3:26 PM
Jayashree Janani.P
Jayashree Janani.P - avatar
+ 18
[#02] wolF I can see why you might think this. However, I am genuinely curious if it's my own misunderstanding of what data science is or if the understanding shared by so many is as overly glorified and as hyped as I think it might be. Or, perhaps, it could be that my understanding is aligned with the general masses and it's just a matter of preferences. For clarification, these two videos present an explanation of data science that is consistent with my own understanding. What really is Data Science? Told by a data scientist. https://youtu.be/xC-c7E5PK0Y Why I left my Data Science Job at FANG (Facebook Amazon Netflix Google) https://youtu.be/M5v1nXiUaOI Both videos compliment each other with additional insight missing from the other. I really recommend viewing them both.
13th Apr 2019, 12:26 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 15
Yes. In the modern era, data and its manipulation to see trends and act accordingly affect every major company today.
17th Feb 2019, 11:48 AM
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬
👑 Prometheus 🇸🇬 - avatar
+ 15
Is my assumption that Data Science is nothing but "Applied Statistics made sexy via modern Computational Methods" incorrect?
13th Apr 2019, 4:41 AM
Sonic - avatar
+ 15
David Carroll I can agree with the notion in one of the videos you provided -- there is a huge misconception of what data science is and what are the job requirements for a data scientist, among companies. I noticed that companies evolving from business intelligence teams have a lot more adequate approach to this, but some others are just complete newbies trying to catch the hype. This causes the data scientist job offers to be packed somewhere between Analytics, IT or even Product -- depending on the actual skill of the HR person behind the advert. That also means that this job is being perceived differently among employers. One thing for sure - this is all about data and about making use of it. Data-driven decision making means a complete makeover for some companies. Capturing earlier uncovered patterns, especially those on human/user/client behaviour or characteristics and extracting the business value from it can weigh on your company's prevalence. (cont.)
13th Apr 2019, 6:43 AM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 15
[#07] Kuba Siekierzyński Indeed... I couldn't have said it better on so many of your comments. I'm going to respond more tomorrow. It's nearly 4am here in my time zone. Calviղ What timing for the release of that article and this discussion. Thanks for sharing. I'll definitely read it when I'm more alert. 😉
13th Apr 2019, 7:48 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 13
I think it will for a long time but evantually robots and artificial inteligance will be invented and robots will do it all.
18th Feb 2019, 3:28 PM
Riley - avatar
+ 12
David Carroll Nitido. I've never seen Joma Tech (he looks like The TechLead). Also why the heck everyone is posting videos of quiting their job?😆 Like, Joma TechLead, Jarvis and others post videos about quiting their job. Wait-, don't tell me you gonna make an AMA of whyquitjob too😂 But anyway, thanks for the vids, it cleared many doubts I had about Data Science.
13th Apr 2019, 12:54 AM
wolF - avatar