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How to remove 0 in a list?
I know only to remove 0 is easy, but in fact there are a lot of things like False, None, 0, [], {} and so on that are also removed when I run the line of code: list.remove(0) Is there a solution for that?
11 odpowiedzi
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Interesting situation!
I suppose the problem is that you check for *equality*, and False in that sort of situation equals to 0.
One way around it: Check for *identity* instead!
list_ = [n for n in list_ if n is not 0]
This works because False may equal 0 but it *is not* 0.
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False = 0
0 = 0
it will remove both
lst=[False, None, 0, [], {}]
print([x for x in lst if x != 0])
all have the same result, it might be beneficial to have all zeroes made into strings "0"
lst=[False, None, "0", [], {}]
print([x for x in lst if x != "0"])
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Steven M Thank you for helping to solve the problem.
Replacing list.remove(0) with list.remove(int(0)) will work.
But make sure you handle errors as it'll raise error if element doesn't exist anymore.
Shashi Ranjan but I tried and it still removes False as usual...
It shouldn't.
Kindly share the code.
Shashi Ranjan Here’s the code.
False is 0 and vice-versa so it'll be removed anyway. Instead use "False".
Here's the corrected version:
Shashi Ranjan But False is still removed?