+ 5

How to convert 4524.237 in binary and hexadecimal

19th Mar 2019, 3:49 PM
Harshita Sharma
Harshita Sharma - avatar
3 odpowiedzi
+ 8
To convert 4524 to hexadecimal: Keep dividing by 16, keep track of the remainder. 4524/16 = 282; remainder 12 282/16 = 17; remainder 10 ... Then you read all the remainders bottom to top (using the A B C D E F digits if necessary). So the last two digits of 4524 in hexadecimal are AC. To convert 0.237 to hexadecimal: Keep multiplying by 16, keep track of the integer part. 0.237 * 16 = 3.792; integer part 3 0.792 * 16 = 12.672; integer part 12 0.672 * 16 = 10.752; integer part 10 ... Then read all the integer parts top to bottom. So 0.237 in hexadecimal is 0.3CA.... The result is both summed up. 4524.237 -> ...AC.3CA... You have to figure out the other digits yourself :) For binary do the same thing, but multiply/divide by 2 instead. (warning: 0.792 will show up again after multiplying 20 or so times. Once you see 0.792 a second time, you are done and the digits will repeat)
19th Mar 2019, 4:44 PM
Schindlabua - avatar
+ 5
Thank you 😇😇
19th Mar 2019, 5:26 PM
Harshita Sharma
Harshita Sharma - avatar
+ 2
Harshita Sharma To Convert 4524 to binary Use the method of odd to even 4524=0 2262=0 1131=1 565 = 1 282=0 141=1 70=0 35=1 17=1 8=0 4=0 2=0 1=1 integer part 1000110101100 and for the decimal part 0.237*2=0.474=0 0.948*2=1.896=1 0.896*2=1.792=1 0.584*2=1.584=1 I will stop here 1000110101100.0111 for Hexadecimal A=10 B=11 C=12 D=13 E=14 F=15 divide by 16 because of base 16 4524/16=282 remainder 12 282/16=17 remainder 10 using the same step to find the decimal output your final Answer should be AC.3CA
19th Mar 2019, 7:28 PM
George S Mulbah II
George S Mulbah II - avatar