😢😭Help me please in my project
The project description: As a programmer; you have been asked to write a program for a Hospital with the following requirements:
8 odpowiedzi
+ 4
Anything else?
• The Hospital has several employees and each one of them has an ID, name, address, mobile number, email and salary.
• The employees are divided into o Administration staff: who have in addition to the previous information their position. o Nurse: who have their rank and specialty stored in addition to the previous information. o Doctor: who have the same data as the Nurse data in addition to a special nurse for his clinic.
• The Hospital also has a set of patients. Each patient is identified by his name, ID, address, mobile, email and type (A or B).
• The Hospital has a set of services to be provided to the patient. Each service is identified by a name, ID and price. The patient who is from type A will have a discount 25% of the service price.
• Each patient receives a service from the doctor who treat him.
The project requirement:
• You will need to create all the needed classes with all the required information.
• Your design of the classes and their relationships to each other is the main point you will be evaluated at.
• You have to apply all the OOP concepts that you covered this module (polymorphism, inheritance, interface, exception handling and Collections)
• Readme.txt to describe the extra works you did. At the end, you will need to create a testing class with a main method with the following:
• It must have a collection of staff (at least 3 staffs)
• The project will start by reading a name. If the name is in the staff collection, the program will continue. If it is not, the program will ask for the name again.
• The program will print a selection screen were the administrative staff can choose the operation he/she wants to perform. The selection screen will be repeated after each selection until the staff choose 7 to exit the program:
1. Add doctors (by reading all his information)
2. Add patients (by reading all his information)
3. Add services (by reading all its information)
4. Print the patient’s bill (calculating the total price for all services provided for the patient (could be more than one service for each patient)
5. Print the doctor information
6. Print the patient information
7. Exit the program
I need help in the right way to implement the program, and how to link classs!!
nihil Coffee☕Underrun
In fact, I have finished a lot of the program and I put the idea of the whole program here only for clarification ... But now I have a problem connecting the doctor with his nurse
Can you help me at this point!!!