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c# application run on .NET framework what does i t mean
2 odpowiedzi
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C# has bunch of premade codes you can use during coding. forexample : Tcpclient tcp = new tcpclient(adress,port). and the client has been created. Idk if there is any other programing language that has socket class precreated. the only thing you have to do is say "using System.Net.Sockets (if im right). it means that the compiler knows there is a Socket class precreated. the socket class is part of the .Net framework.
So to sum up: .Net framework is a pack of precoded classes. C# compilers know where they can find those classes and compile them into your application. This leads to easier and faster programing however less efficient then a program made in c++.
When you compile a c# application you create assembly files. your c# application compiles into native machine code during execution. If there is no .NET framework installed on your computer, it cannot compile during execution which leads to an error.
I hope this answer covers your question. If not, just ask.
.NET framework includes a large class library called Framework Class Library (FCL) and a software environment called Common Language Runtime (CLR). Applications developed with C# and .NET are run on CLR which provides some features like just-in-time compilation and services for your application so you don't need to think about some things, e.g. releasing memory consumed by your objects. So to run a C# app on .NET framework means to run it in CLR which manages the execution of your program.