Approximately how many questions from users does the Sololearn Q&A section have so far in total? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE!
+ 8

Approximately how many questions from users does the Sololearn Q&A section have so far in total?

I'm guessing about 100,000

11th Apr 2019, 10:24 AM
Sonic - avatar
25 odpowiedzi
+ 9
Approximately 221,320 questions and counting.
11th Apr 2019, 11:03 AM
ODLNT - avatar
+ 6
Very interesting Sonic
13th Apr 2019, 2:39 AM
Jacob Heath
Jacob Heath - avatar
+ 5
Emoji FanBoy Why you delete code?
25th Apr 2019, 4:42 AM
Jacob Heath
Jacob Heath - avatar
+ 4
ODLNT did you pull that number out of the air or do you have an official source?
11th Apr 2019, 9:12 PM
Sonic - avatar
+ 4
Sonic I don't know how official it is but my source is the SoloLearn website Discuss page. I used the Most Recent tab. There is 20 post per page max. At the time of this reply, there are 11068 pages. Sprinkle in a little math and viola. An approximation.
11th Apr 2019, 9:59 PM
ODLNT - avatar
+ 4
I wonder if moderators have more knowledge (I am not curious enough to email Sololearn). Janning⭐ , any help here?
13th Apr 2019, 12:45 AM
Sonic - avatar
+ 4
Wow, what a whirlwind. I know I'm late joining in but please bear with me. As 4/12/2019 SoloLearn Website show 11079 discussion pages. above is first question from It is dated 24th February 2015
13th Apr 2019, 1:31 AM
ODLNT - avatar
+ 3
Emoji FanBoy that's a nice test to figure out the number of questions. So it proves that if you immediately create two questions in quick succession you get IDs that are sequential. What we don't know is if the question numbering actually started from 1 or whether for some unknown reason, there are gaps in the numbering other than deleted posts. I suppose we could look at a really early question from 2016 and see if it had a low number. I guess SL Q and A only started somewhere in 2016.
13th Apr 2019, 12:03 AM
Sonic - avatar
+ 3
Nice work Emoji FanBoy. So a question from 2016 has ID 101. So it's safe to assume that IDs started from 1. Provided that there were no arbitrary numbering gaps, there could be 1.7 million questions including deleted ones. If ODLNT's assumption of 220000 undeleted questions (assuming the page count of 110k is correct) then this means that nearly 1.5 million questions got deleted!! That's like a 90% deletion rate which seems excessive! Some piece of data does not seem right. Maybe odlnt's page count is wrong?
13th Apr 2019, 12:22 AM
Sonic - avatar
+ 3
Sonic maybe… Though you can among first 100 questions, only 72,81 and some missed by me are 'alive'. So, we don't know actually. And currently you can see most recent questions and you'll see at least 3-4 numbers gap and sometimes too big. Then also deleted accounts' questions also come in light. So, ODLNT seems right. I haven't verified though.
13th Apr 2019, 12:26 AM
Emoji FanBoy
Emoji FanBoy - avatar
+ 3
Thanks for the clarification Janning⭐ !! Wow 90% deletions - what a waste! Still not sure why questions 100 and 101 are chronologically out of order. But thanks for the insider information.
13th Apr 2019, 1:09 AM
Sonic - avatar
13th Apr 2019, 9:55 AM
ODLNT - avatar
+ 2
You can perfectly see(but including mfd and deleted also). Just see the question ID of latest question and there you go. I created two questions to verify their IDs are consistent, though I already knew. So, answer is 1.7 million and counting 😀
12th Apr 2019, 11:25 PM
Emoji FanBoy
Emoji FanBoy - avatar
+ 2
Sonic just FYI in case you don't know: Everything (when applicable) here is chronologically IDed, including UserID, questions, posts, lessons😉
13th Apr 2019, 12:03 AM
Emoji FanBoy
Emoji FanBoy - avatar
+ 2
For userIDs, I'm sure it started with 1 and live example is here, Sololearn. You can check out ID. And for your question, I show your simple idea, I don't know what it'll turn out but see Edit: see question ID 101
13th Apr 2019, 12:06 AM
Emoji FanBoy
Emoji FanBoy - avatar
+ 2
Yeah Emoji FanBoy. Only 3 of the first 100 (based on ID) questions are actually not deleted. Another weird thing is the posting dates of these questions. While question with ID 101 got posted 3 years ago, question with ID 100 only got posted 2 years ago!! Now I am also questioning the sequential ID theory, especially for older questions. This mystery is far from being solved.
13th Apr 2019, 12:39 AM
Sonic - avatar
+ 2
Sonic Sequential seems correct. I use it to determine which among a list of a dozen or so duplicates are more likely to be dubbed canonical and I just report the later (higher numbered) posts until I find older posts to supercede the one I previously thought was the oldest. 90% deletion rate sounds about right. This should include self-deletions too. Some removed posts return an error and others redirect to the main discussion area. I'm guessing the ones that return an error are ones that are viewable by someone, but not me (access denied type thing, flagged in database but no alternate behavior attached) for record keeping purposes. Just my guess though.
13th Apr 2019, 12:59 AM
Janning⭐ - avatar
+ 2
I was curious and went to check it out. I'm not sure if the assignment of id's was different earlier in SL history.
13th Apr 2019, 1:12 AM
Janning⭐ - avatar
+ 2
lol everything on page 11078 seems to be chronological though. 😅
13th Apr 2019, 1:41 AM
Janning⭐ - avatar
+ 2
And lol, first question has ID 622! So the sequential ID theory gets disproved for older questions.
13th Apr 2019, 2:12 AM
Sonic - avatar