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Modulo example
Im looking for a situation wehere you need the modulo operator
6 odpowiedzi
+ 8
So i used it in a lot of places already.
Basic example is to shift an array.
So i'll illustrate it:
You have an array with 3 values and you want to shit it 1 place to the left and save as second array
So you creating basic loop and fo each element you are getting shifted one:
arr[i] = arr[(i + 1) % len(arr)]
Now for 0th element we are getting element #
(0 + 1) % 3 # 3 is array length(example)
so index will be 1 % 3 = 1
But for last element:
arr[2] = arr[(2 + 1) % 3]
Index will be 3 % 3 = 0, it will close the cycle
+ 4
Think division, but you are looking for the remainder fraction. You want the result to be exactly equal giving you 0, and not have excess - after the period.
int a = 13, b = 2;
if (a % b == 0) {
cout << "Great";
cout << "Not great";
This will output "Not great" because 13 % 2 = 5. If a was 12, the output would be "Great" as they are shared equally with no remainder fraction || piece.
+ 2
May b odd even example. If a number divided by 2 is equal to 0 then number is even else odd.
+ 1
Best examples are to find a number whether it is even or odd, whether a number is prime or not.
As many people are used to packages and modules while writing a code we are not coming across using modulo operations as such... One obvious thing I can say is it is used in date module for sure...
What about a clock