I'm looking for a Javascript book...
I would like a book to learn Javascript. I'm not a complete beginner, infact I already know C++, C and Java. I don't want a book that explain what "if", "while", "for" etc... etc... stand for or that illustrate the basic concepts of OOP. I would like also a book with a lot of excercises in Javascript, from the simplest to the hardest. Any suggestion?? Thank you! 😉
4 odpowiedzi
I recomend this one :
JavaScript: The Good Parts
by Douglas Crockford
I believe this is one of the really few book which you can read a hundred times and still find in it some hidden gem you didn't notice before.
Are there a lot of excercises?
the book is good for explanation, but there's not a lot of exercises, I'm sorry.
secret of javascript ninja by John resig (advanced)
you don't know javascript kyle simpson
eloquent javascript
anything by jon duckett, douglas crockford, david Flanagan, brendan eich