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Who can help me . Describe about all component to make best website.

this is first time . i ask in SoloLearn .and sorry if you dont understand my english sencetence. the first times i saw website have front-end and back -end .they told me website front-end have three componets are html javascript css . but it is little information. the next time i saw sass bootstrap3 bootstrap4 vue js react js Angular js Wix Content manage systemp . i feel WTF . What are they. what is the best to create website. some place say you must have best SEO for website. i feel i am dummie. someone could advice for me. what should i do.

18th May 2019, 11:38 AM
sparkwill - avatar
1 Odpowiedź
HTML gives the structure to the web page. Sort of like the skeleton for the rest of the website JavaScript gives functionality to a website. It's like the muscles and nervous system of a webpage CSS styles the webpage. It is the skin, hair, clothes and makeup of the webpage SQL creates and manages databases. It's like your websites memory PHP is often used for security and the coding of web applications There are other languages like Python that Im not going to mention
18th May 2019, 12:48 PM
Trigger - avatar