+ 1

Favourite tools/services to pair with web development

First question on SoloLearn! We all got our go-to services. (And this could be anything) Always find myself using Bootstrap, WOW.js, and swiper.js libraries. Always seem to recommend Mailchimp. Love using coolors.co for finding colour schemes. Underscores.me for quick wordpress templates. What are some of the things you guys use to help your web development?! (Could be literally anything!) Thanks!

20th May 2019, 7:51 PM
🇨🇦 Brant Court
🇨🇦 Brant Court - avatar
9 odpowiedzi
+ 3
Tools: SubLime Text (fav editor) WebMatrix (another editor, auto hex color lookup + other tools included) FileZila (FTP) Tutty / Putty (SSH client to log into my linux server) Libraries/Frameworks/etc..: DataTables (cool table system - https://datatables.net/ ) jQuery / ReactJS / AngularJS / Bootstrap / jQueryUI NodeJS / NoSQL (my pref over PHP/SQL) (Beyond that, I usually create whatever I need myself and reuse it in other projects.) Servers: https://www.linode.com/ https://aws.amazon.com/
20th May 2019, 7:57 PM
+ 3
Yeah, it's pretty useful for those needs. https://jqueryui.com/ ^That's also useful if you don't already use it. Sorry, I never sat and listed out everything I've used before, so I'm just naming stuff off the dome. lol I'll look through my stuff shortly and post up more if I come across anything else.
20th May 2019, 8:02 PM
+ 3
Oh yeah, how could I forget: https://www.phpmyadmin.net/ ^If you use PHP, that's a must in my opinion. Makes dealing with your database insanely easier.
20th May 2019, 8:04 PM
+ 3
https://socket.io/ https://socket.io/get-started/chat http://www.quickserver.org/index.html https://www.getpostman.com/ Okay, I'm seriously done. :D That's good enough. Hope all this spam helped out. lol
20th May 2019, 8:07 PM
+ 3
Last, but not least, bookmark www.StackOverflow.com - it's an amazing resource that you can use if you ever run into problems with almost anything. I used it a lot during my learning and a lot during my professional career; it's definitely a priceless resource that's free. Just note that they have really strict guidelines for posting, so learn their rules and abide by them, it'll be a priceless resource for you also.
20th May 2019, 8:10 PM
+ 1
Cool! Datatables.net seems interesting. Thanks!
20th May 2019, 7:59 PM
🇨🇦 Brant Court
🇨🇦 Brant Court - avatar
+ 1
Anything helps! Thanks alot for the answer. Yeah I've never heard of datatables.net, that just seems insanely helpful lol
20th May 2019, 8:04 PM
🇨🇦 Brant Court
🇨🇦 Brant Court - avatar
+ 1
Keep em coming
20th May 2019, 8:05 PM
🇨🇦 Brant Court
🇨🇦 Brant Court - avatar
+ 1
Yesss! Stackoverflow has saved me many times 😍
20th May 2019, 8:18 PM
🇨🇦 Brant Court
🇨🇦 Brant Court - avatar