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How to run the java program in different folder?
I saved my java program in Local Disk D: I need to run the programs in that folder.
4 odpowiedzi
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Any other options???
+ 1
Install a java compiler🤔
+ 1
No, if you mean to do with SoloLearn
simple way for beginners is run your code in Sololearn app or webpage:
or you can install some big professional java IDE like: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans
other way is run it manualy from system:
if you have got installed java,
you need set system environment variable named: path and add path to java\bin directory to the end of this string, delimited with semicolon ; . But be careful, it is critical places.
;d:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2\bin\;
Then if you type javac, system knows where find it and is able to run javac.exe compilator.
ok installation is completed
now how to use it:
run command line terminal, from folder where you have your SomeName.java code file.
run compiler with your code (-d .class sets where will store .class file)
javac -d .class SomeName.java
run your code, without .java after name, (-cp .class sets where is your compiled class file)
java -cp .class SomeName
you can make icon for command line and batch file for faster useful work with it.
arrow up repeats last command in terminal.