+ 5

I really need your opinion. -HELP-

⁉️J.S / PHP - - - - - For a month now I've been trying to learn JavaScript, but I struggled with it and didn't learn anything. SO... I was thinking I should skip to PHP, and comeback to JavaScript later - after I understand PHP. Do you guys think it's a good idea or do you think I should stick to JavaScript & keep struggling. ? Please let me know your opinions .

10th Jun 2019, 4:04 AM
Ginfio - avatar
15 odpowiedzi
+ 15
Ginfio Thanks for clarifying. My recommendation is to stick with Javascript. The challenge you may be experiencing is learning how to think like an imperative programmer. HTML and CSS are much easier to learn as they are declarative programming languages. You essentially learn the domain specific language and you're good to go. Imperative programming is much tougher to learn the first time. Knowing this might help you with not being discouraged so easily. I recommend you work with an IDE with great intellisense and a live debugger. Spend as much time as you can writing simple code challenges in Javascript and using the step through debugger to watch the code run one line at a time. Also, read this article to get you on the right path for thinking like an imperative programmer. https://tylermcginnis.com/imperative-vs-declarative-programming/ I also recommend you go through the www.freecodecamp.org Javascript tutorials to practice writing basic Javascript. This will become natural before you know it.
10th Jun 2019, 5:39 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 6
I saw you did write some functional JS code, too. So you didn't learn nothing. Maybe you just expect too much in too little time?
10th Jun 2019, 5:03 AM
HonFu - avatar
+ 5
If you're expecting to know how to code in a language after a month, especially if you've never coded before is setting the bar too high. I recommend starting with html and css, then js, then a server side language of your choosing. I hate to recommend php, but since you're new I'd say it's the easiest one to learn of all the serverside languages. Personally, it took me about 6 months to start understanding everything I learned and why/how things work the way they do. And a total of about 2 years to really be able to dive into pretty much any language and comfortably adapt. Everyone is different... take whatever time you need, but dont expect quick results. You just have to work at it until it makes sense.
10th Jun 2019, 10:33 AM
Mike - avatar
+ 5
Ginfio I should have considered you might not be practicing on an actual computer. As many have already mentioned, this cannot be stressed enough... practice on a full computer. Learning on a full computer with a good IDE, desktop browser, terminal, preprocessor scripts like WebPack and, well... WebPack 🤣, a local web server, maybe a local database, a full sized keyboard, and maybe multiple monitors is the only way you will learn at optimized speed and efficiency. Otherwise, it will be like trying to solve a 1000 piece puzzle in a pitch dark room with one hand. Oh the misery that would be. Seriously, imagine trying to solve a puzzle that way and then imagine being able to solve the same puzzle using both hands with the lights turned on. Again, it's not impossible and you won't know what you're missing if this is all you've ever known. 🤓 Either way, I do wish you all the best.
10th Jun 2019, 7:27 PM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 4
You have finished the complete JS tutorial, but you feel like you didn't learn anything. So I think it's more important to look more closely at that. Have you forgot what you read? Didn't you practice alongside reading? Let's find out the cause.
10th Jun 2019, 5:01 AM
HonFu - avatar
+ 4
Maybe freeCodeCamp.org is a good place to learn more Javascript. It has lessons in the form of exercizes. I did HTML and CSS there after the SL tutorials, to learn more, and I quite liked it. But I didn't go through their Javascript lessons yet, so I can't tell you more, but maybe worth a try?
10th Jun 2019, 5:45 AM
bakitza - avatar
+ 3
On freeCodeCamp.org - im not sure if you have to be on window (pc, mac..), but on iPhone, it doesn't even show you where you start. what I mean is: when i go to freeC....camp.org , there are the options 'click here to become a supporter', 'go to the coding curriculum' + nav bars. When I click on any of those it doesn't seem to be going to the right page - where the lessons are. - - - If you know how to get around freeCodeCamp.org, please let me know where to start and get in. - - - Because I've been suggested that website before, but I never could figure out how you actually start on it.
10th Jun 2019, 6:15 AM
Ginfio - avatar
+ 3
Man it's hard
11th Jun 2019, 5:33 PM
Justin - avatar
+ 3
David Carroll awesome answer bro sometimes from another questions I get My answers also love this community now 😄
20th Jun 2019, 6:37 PM
Sayyam Jain
Sayyam Jain - avatar
+ 2
I can write: var a = document.getElementById("elem"); a.style.somestyle="something". I think what you said might be my issue 'Expecting too much in too little time'.
10th Jun 2019, 5:07 AM
Ginfio - avatar
+ 2
Is Javascript your first programming language? Do you already know HTML and CSS?
10th Jun 2019, 5:13 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 2
Ginfio "Curriculum" in the nav bar should show you the full list of all lessons. It's a very long list. But I do think the only way to use this website on a computer screen, I'm not sure that it can work on mobile.... As the lectures have 3 panels open at once in the same browser tab.
10th Jun 2019, 8:12 AM
bakitza - avatar
+ 2
Ginfio freecodecamp curriculum needs to be done on computer doesn't work well on android phone, tablet, this will probably be the same for IOS
10th Jun 2019, 7:08 PM
Robin R.
Robin R. - avatar
HonFu , I think it's because i rush through it. Thinking more advaced things instead of some little things as a beginner. Maybe -- I will try to slow down and practice more .'
10th Jun 2019, 5:02 AM
Ginfio - avatar
David Carroll , Yes JavaScript is my first programming language and I do know HTML + CSS.
10th Jun 2019, 5:15 AM
Ginfio - avatar