Which language has the widest application??
The language which is most common with the needs of today and tomorrow for the world
9 odpowiedzi
+ 5
You took up a lot of space to write 'it depends' though, AgentSmith. 😂
+ 4
Your question seems too have too many facets: Widest application, best, easiest, most common and scripting...
Can you explain a bit more precisely what you're looking for?
+ 4
Yeah, I know, but it was still an amazingly accurate answer, right? :)
The reality is that he didn't ask a good question, or I should say he asked the wrong question and was very vague with it, so it was similar to him receiving the answer 42. As you can see from the responses here, he obtained a bunch of bias and subjective answers, which doesn't really answer the question and weren't good answers either.
HonFu's answer was the best one here, and the most accurate in its objectivity, but he wasn't marked 'best answer' and those being bias didn't give him an upvote, though they did for themselves. That isn't what they want to hear though, but simply pick any language you want and hold their hand through the process, which is why they won't excel to great heights when it comes to programming.
On a normal day, I would have elaborated upon this, given paragraphs of answers about why his question is the wrong question and I might have even been a bit sarcastic or mean about it in the process. Instead, I provided both a good answer, an accurate answer to the question that was actually asked and I decided not to be mean; I'd say that's doing pretty good. :) Realistically, if he masters English, not only will he be more capable of asking the right questions, but he'll also be capable of properly researching things for himself so that he can stand on his own two feet, recognize how all of the languages are useful and properly gauge the predictable things that'll happen in the next 5-10 years, which is a good assessment of what one should or shouldn't know. However, it's equally important to realize what you're interested in personally, as there are many paths and directions one can take that require different things and have a different future in store for it. There isn't a singular answer to give to this question, just like there isn't a singular tool that one uses to build a house, a car or a campfire.
Maybe this will suffice as a better answer. ;)
+ 4
lol As I implied in my last paragraph, today must be a normal day. 😂 If I wasn't clocking out of work in 1 minute, I'd write you a bedtime story about it. ;)
+ 3
AgentSmith he wasn't asking what language speaking lol he was talking about coding language
+ 2
I'd say English. A lot of people know it worldwide.
+ 2
+ 1
I would say java it known for running 3 billion devices if not more cause it a multiplatform language
+ 1
I suggest you to choose C++ Because it's the only one language which have so much extensive use with this only one language you can do Windows programing such as creating software for Windows you can do web programing in C++ you can also do scientific programing in C++ and many others So basically both ends are open for you web developer or a software developer and also C++ have very much broad and extensive parameters In Its Standard Library. Its the Best to choose C++.