Trying to do something beyond my level w/ excel vba
I need help! I'm not sure what I am even doing is possible. I am trying to scrap data using excel from a work page. it feels like it shouldn't be hard what I am trying to do but I cant figure it out. very new to coding btw. from my understanding of I cant just insert the web page because the company is very serious about security. The only way I have got anywhere near the beginning blocks is by saving the page as an .htm page and dragging it to the excel sheet. problem is that page is updated every
3 odpowiedzi
day. I know that if it was that important I could just save it every day and upload it. problem is that I have much bigger plans and because of the security I am going to have to do everything off from that code.
maybe there is an easier way and I am just over complicating it. the best code I have so far is something like this.
'This will load a webpage in IE
Dim i As Long
Dim Url As String
Dim ie As Object
Dim objElement As Object
Dim objCollection As Object
'Create InternetExplorer Object
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
'Set IE.Visible = True to make IE visible, or False for IE to run in the background
ie.Visible = False
'Define URL
Url = "work url I cant show"
'Navigate to URL
ie.Navigate Url
' Statusbar let's user know website is loading
Application.StatusBar = Url & " is loading. Please wait..."
'Webpage Loaded
Application.StatusBar = Url & " Loaded"
'Unload IE
Set ie = Nothing
Set objElement = Nothing
Set objCollection = Nothing
Set UrldownloadToFile = Nothing
i pretty much just copy and pasted that. have tried tons of different things along the way. if I can create a macro that would save the whole page as an .htm file I would be golden from there. anyone got any ideas?