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HTML colours
how can i mix up colors to come up with yellow
4 odpowiedzi
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color:yellow; (~_~)
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You could also use Hex colors e.g. #FFFF00 or RGB colours e.g. RGB(255,255,0) for yellow.
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Yellow is a mix up of red and green ( in screens RGB system )... if you want to set a particular tint of yellow.
To 'mix-up' color, you can also use the HSL color system, where Hue determine color ( yellow is 60 ) on a circle ( red is 0 and 360, green 120 and blue 240 ), in addition to Saturation and Luminosity percentage values ( S=0% grayscale, S=100% full color, L=0% black, L=100% white and L=50% pure color )... so yellow is:
... and can be useful for fine color tuning ;)
As for the rgba notation, you could also use hsl with alpha channel with 'hsla()'...
Don't know if hexadecimal notation today support a fourth value to set an alpha channel: if someone know?