+ 1

Why is there no explanation to wrong answers in challenges?

Hey guys I am new to SoloLearn and so far love all of it. You guys all are so helpful and engaged as far as i am concerned and i am totally addicted to programming. The only thing that bothers me a bit is the fact that there is no explanation regarding wrong answers in challenges. While you can search for the explanation yourself it would be a far more user friendly experience to have them instantly in the app.

23rd Jul 2019, 3:41 AM
D0sch1 - avatar
3 odpowiedzi
+ 5
The questions are created by users just like you and me. We will have to do a lot more unpaid work to give you this luxury.
23rd Jul 2019, 4:10 AM
Sonic - avatar
+ 4
You can only see the right answers (without an explanation) after your opponent completes the challenge.
23rd Jul 2019, 12:02 PM
Sokrat_Poghosyan - avatar
I completely left that out of my consideration thank you for your quick answer!
23rd Jul 2019, 4:31 AM
D0sch1 - avatar