+ 2
What made you start learning to code ? ☺️
12 odpowiedzi
+ 5
I just wanted to know how to make games 🤣
+ 2
Omg same lmao
+ 1
I just sort of...did? I was signed up for a Raspberry Pi (Python) course. Then I just kinda did stuff. Thought it was cool so I kept going
+ 1
Well that's cool 😊 keep going
+ 1
for me it has always (since about 13 so 21 years ago) been an interest but I never had the focus for it. I tried a 100 times but never stuck with it. then I found Arduino and got into it. So Arduino got me into it.
Arduino is great because it really gives you something in return, something really happens :)
Then went on to try my hand at Java, but moved on to Python. Python gives me the same feeling as Arduino.
+ 1
Sounds interesting ... Seems like you found the love of you live Brave Tea
+ 1
well that would be my wife and daughters, but yes otherwise it does seem so :)
+ 1
R_1 goood one ☺️
+ 1
About a year ago, I was scrolling through the app store when I stumbled onto Sololearn. I not only had always wondered how websites, programs, and the like where made + I love to learn. So, i decided to give it try! I fell in love immediately... love the simplicity, backed by a community of people who are willing to help you out, check out your projects, etc
Brave Tea haha yeah i see
<body><p>I want to become a web designer.</p></body>
Dezy R Nezzy oh the best way to start learning is to get in to the stuffs you like and dedicate the right time for it . I somehow began like you did .