+ 65
Have you used Sass? What's good about it?
As far as I understand, it uses features that don't exist in CSS.
8 odpowiedzi
+ 14
Sass is a well known preprocessor for css styling. It enables you to use css styles with mixins, variables, booleans, loops and other features which aren't in traditional css code. You can also import files and keep them organized in folders until you compile the code.
You don't need to worry about compiling sass into css, you can install grunt or gulp and they will compile for you every time you save, with these tools you can also watch for errors and make your code cleaner (lint).
There's two kinds of syntax in sass: The sass syntax is written without curly braces, it's mostly organized by identation. The scss sintax is very similar to css and is more friendly for people who have written only css syntax.
Another similar preprocessor to scss is less and similar to sass is stylus.
I hope this help you.
+ 6
Combine SASS with Jade and you're good to go. They're great for simplicity.
+ 4
u can best your class/id/tags the way it was nested in your HTML without having to write a class name all over again when targeting an inner class e.g
.class name {
.classname2 {
that's just a part though.
+ 1
Sass is a css preprocessor that enables you a better organization and provides extra features that pure CSS is not intended to provide. A good example of a Sass + Compass boilerplate is the SassySkeleton project at github. I've been using that for a couple of years and it helped me a lot to have better organized styles for my projects ;)
I have used SCSS (SASS), and it is really awesome.
I felt that CSS has become -somehow- a programming language.
From now on, I will use SASS only for big projects.
I recommend using a program called Koala to convert SASS to regular CSS.
I don't know about others but I love Sass bcoz it gives u freedom to design and maintain large scale project yes I have used it it has so many features like mixin @if @else statements and declare variable extent and many more Sass is smart choice
- 2
more faster ans jetter organisation !