+ 3
Who is mean stack developer???
I know what is front end and backend but who is mean stack developer someone please tell me??
9 odpowiedzi
+ 5
full_stack_developer = sum(front_end,back_end);
+ 4
Full stack developer = front-end developer + back-end developer 😁
+ 2
Aashka Sinha pata chale to mujhe bhi batana
+ 1
Vishnu is mean stack = full stack
A MEAN stack developer is someone who has knowledge in some particular areas alone. MEAN stack development refers to the development process that falls within these particular set of technologies MongoDB, Expressjs, AngularJs, NodeJS. In simple words, MEAN stack developers are like JS-based application developers.If you are intresed to know about MEAN Stack Course then visit:http://www.cetpainfotech.com/technology/mean-stack-training