+ 1
Someone please say me in which field java cannot be used!!!!
I think that java can be used in all appilieances!!
22 odpowiedzi
In ios 😁
+ 4
Can't be used on the web front-end in the latest browsers I believe. There is no more support for Java applets.
+ 3
Brushing your teeth for example.
+ 2
Sorry bro you are just kidding because java is standing first by android apps and games
Please suggest another thing
+ 2
In any environment where your firm does not want you to play around with scripting languages and very likely for some good reason
+ 1
I was obviously referring to smart toothbrushes and other IoT-stuff that you wouldn't code in Java... ;-)
+ 1
Good answer, Martin! but still I think it can be used in toothbrushes. this is not a heavily loaded system. just a couple of times a day😁
+ 1
Java is universal languages,but we have so many other languages
So ,we use other languages to develop it without using java.
+ 1
No Saied Hossien oracle had found a solution for that
Java version above 10 can be used
In mobile app, games...
Sorry, I didnt understand your question 😉
Ok its not problem
My question is asking you people in where java cannot be implemented
I know for sure that before this language was used on html pages in the form of applets, but today I do not see such a trend
🤣 lol
Yes anyway it can be used
Oh thanks for your answers
In cooking bro
No bro it can be used in programming the hardwares of microwave oven!!!