+ 2
Anyone become a front end developer by self studying ? Or its hard..and what should i learn to become a strong font end develope
It is nessecry to learn html5 and css3 or i can only learn html and css
2 odpowiedzi
+ 6
I am here , i am a self learner which learn frontend ...
Front end is not to hard but if you r beginner yhen you face some problem..but it's not a big you can easily handel it...
And it's most importent to learn html5 and css3 because it's a updated version and some html4 dose't work in our web page ..
I did study html years ago. the html is the base knowledge, and html5 are the new codes for new methods to create a web, I see it so.
Ccs or ccs3... I believe that is same than with html: ccs is the base, and css3 are the new. this I think, because when I was study html didn't exist the css.
Then, are important both.