Where to start?
Hi! So I am learning C++ both here on sololearn, and in a university course. I decided to pick it up here on sololearn since I could move at a faster pace than the course would allow. Currently, my professor has only talked about flags, constructors, destructors, and some computation, but nothing like the ways I see it here on SoloLearn(which I prefer so much more). My question is this: If I were to create my own code, how do I understand what type of code I need to achieve my result? For instance, codes within the lessons show examples of printing and calculation, but where does that leave me if I want to learn more on how to create more complex codes, such as some that I see on here for challenges and such? EDIT: I guess a follow up for this as well would be: Where can I see more application of the lessons taught? Pointers is a great example, I just don't see the use for them.