+ 3
Hi im new, can someone please explain to me what each language is good for Thank
5 odpowiedzi
+ 4
Good language for beginners?:
¦ Python
Best language to get a job?:
¦ Java
Good languages for mobile development?:
¦ For Android app development?:
¦ ¦ Java
¦ ¦ Kotlin
¦ For IOS app development?:
¦ ¦ Swift
Good languages for developing games?:
¦ With Unity?:
¦ ¦ C#
¦ Without Unity?:
¦ ¦ Java
Good languages for datascience?:
¦ Python
¦ R
Good languages for web development?:
¦ For frontend development?:
¦ ¦ HTML
¦ ¦ CSS
¦ ¦ JS
¦ For backend development?:
¦ ¦ Java
¦ ¦ SQL
+ 3
Sorry, I did not read the question well and gave wanted reply in reverse order.
¦- Strengths:
¦ ¦- Is the leading programming
¦ ¦ language in datascience.
¦ ¦- Is relatively comfortable
¦ ¦ programming language
¦ ¦ for beginners.
¦ ¦- Has many extensions.
¦ ¦- Is relatively readable.
¦- Can be used for developing:
¦ ¦- Web backend,
¦ ¦- Mobile & Desktop apps,
¦ ¦- Graphical programs,
¦ ¦- Robotics,
¦ ¦- Datascience,
¦ ¦- Games,
¦ ¦- Machine learning.
¦- Can be used for developing:
¦ ¦- Web backend,
¦ ¦- Mobile & Desktop apps,
¦ ¦- Graphical programs,
¦ ¦- Games,
¦ ¦- Machine learning.
+ 1
Try to find in SoloLearn. In section "Learn" you will find the answer.
+ 1
thank you so much