28 odpowiedzi
+ 44
Hello Himanshu Gupta
You see, when you ask a question, an individual user answers it. If it's a question of general knowledge type, it's better to just Google it up. Web browsers are really better at giving facts :) and the thread is also saved from being too messy. But if you have a question regarding programmer's experiences, problem in code or explanation of lessons or anything, you're always welcome to ask to the community.
+ 14
Why is it called Python? When he began implementing Python, Guido van Rossum was also reading the published scripts from “Monty Python's Flying Circus”, a BBC comedy series from the 1970s. Van Rossum thought he needed a name that was short, unique, and slightly mysterious, so he decided to call the language Python. 👌👌👌👌
+ 12
the creator himself Guido Van Rossum said he is a big fan of monty python. i wonder why he use python as the name, hmmm...
+ 6
The guys who made this language is a huge Monty Python fan
+ 5
Taste yeah, makes no sense, Monty programming language sounds much better :D
+ 4
Monty Python
+ 3
because they use things from monty python
+ 3
Just because creator loves python
+ 3
If I was the creator I would have called it Guido but it probably wouldn't have been so popular.
+ 3
Why do people get so offended over questions like these being posted? Granted, he definitely could've just googled it. But I always see people get all up in arms when a basic question gets posted.
+ 2
+ 2
+ 2
python = snake
+ 1
Hello! I new.
+ 1
Python means 🐍
+ 1
anthoni (தமிழ்) great dude!!
+ 1
Guido Van Rossum was a big fan of Monte Python Flying Circus. So, he named his hobby project "Python".
because it above C level
It is based on the BBC comedy series from 1970's called "Monty Python's Flying Circus" Van Rossum was reading some publsihed scripts from that show and he wanted to come up with a name that is short and unique, so he called it Python