Full stack or Front end

Curious to know what you guys think. I’m trying to decide what route to take toward learning.

3rd Nov 2019, 3:33 AM
Troy Emfinger
Troy Emfinger - avatar
2 odpowiedzi
Start with front end and work your way up to full stack.
3rd Nov 2019, 4:24 AM
Avinesh - avatar
Full stacks developers skillsets is not completely the same like each other If you get a bit fluent in programming switching in between required skills would be more easy for you. That why I recommend to start with a position like General web developer/ programmer (A generalist) Then it would be easy to dive into any related skill (front end) and it make you full stack by time with a dominant skill in front-end
3rd Nov 2019, 6:32 AM
ssmasrour - avatar