Why did i get type error
I want to create a data frame This part of the code work. def vowels(a): L=a.split() for i in L: print(i.count('a')+i.count('e')+i.count('i')+i.count('o')+i.count('u') a=" this is good" ""This part not working properly import pandas as pd df=pd.DataFrame({'vo':list(vowels(a)}) print(df) "" I want like this vo 0. 1 1. 1 2. 2
3 odpowiedzi
+ 3
You can also try this:
inp = input('enter text: ')
for i in 'aeiou':
print(f'{i}, {inp.count(i)}')
I recommend you to go throuhh the python tutorial in SoloLearn. The code you presented here is not very promising.
+ 2
Because your function isn't returning anything. Store the vowels count in a list and return that.
vowels_counts = []
for i in L:
return vowels_counts
+ 1
You should use function generators.
Only replace 'print' in function vowels with 'yield'. Also care about parentheses.