+ 17
When did programming turn into math?
I just started practicing my main language again, python, after finishing the small certificate course, and noticed that the challenges get brutal with the math. No problems with brushing up, and a little thinking quick with the math, but not enough of the drag, and drop questions. I guess this is just a small request to the quiz masters to keep it programmatic, instead of math oriented, to make challenges/timed quizzes harder as one begins to rise in levels.
7 odpowiedzi
+ 11
The practice does do me good, but experience isn't all quickness, and math for making complex algorithms(that's knowledge, and careful planning). Besides, we're reading others code in the challenges section, plus their math in a short time frame.
However, like I said, it's no problem, just the way things are in just the challenges section.
+ 2
@Lord Russel This I know, but I was really stating we have widgets, and code behind those widgets.
So computing math in challenges becomes more flash cards of math than more flash cards of the fundamentals, and more advanced knowledge of built-in functions, as well as syntax of a language.
But it is all educational as the questions evolve, and enhance one's reading comprehension of a codes input algorithm, to a logical output.
+ 1
Answering the first part of your question, I can say that programming was born by math 😉
Everything in the world of computer science is based on math. In fact, everything in the real world is some form of math. If you want to be really good at programming you have to be at least comfortable with Algebra and basic addition/subtraction/multiplication/division tables. Its impossible to program without math.
@ MajesticPlatypus Not really. Iterate through db's and alter/parse data by criteria. Please excuse my dear aunt sally (P,E,M,D,A,S) order of operations aside, we do a lot more than calculate.
It's more than saying it's just a fancy oscilloscope, and calculator that lay at the abstraction layers beneath it.
I know it's lots of file parsing, data manipulation and on the other end graphics, and computations.
I'm just stating it's more than math in it's utilization.
@ MajesticPlatypus Also, I was referring to more of the bulletin board challenges from other users, not the fundamental courses.
That makes sense. What I meant was there is a lot of math in programming (depending on the code, naturally) and its sort of hard to avoid that