How to limit a textfield to 100 characters in XML
Hey guys, I am struggling with an issue. I am writing codes in XML in combination with HTML an CSS for output in PDF. For this form I am adding a field for making notes. This field has to be limited with 100 characters, because in the output PDF there is little space left. I added a code like: maxlength, max, using <input> or <textarea> but this doens´t work. A couple of years ago I had a solution, but unfortunately I forgot this specific code. Can anyone help me out with this? Here is the node with this specific field: <node id="Page-03" type="Form" visible="false"> <name>Page-03</name> <title>Writing notes for your invitation</title> <text> </text> <fields> <field name="notes" text="Notes:" rows="2" cols="60" /> </fields> </node>