+ 6
Do I need to be very good at maths to work as a game programmer?
38 odpowiedzi
+ 17
No. Not unless the game has algorithms (like player stats). It kinda depends on the game though.
+ 11
math is important. I say yes
+ 7
2d not so much some algebra for collision detection trigonometry for better collision detection and position angle movement, mostly graphing x,y stuff basic math for counting scores or stats in type or object. 3d is supper math dependint. trigonometry for position field of view collision and algebra for collision basic for same as 2d geometry for environment development or any physical you see in the game and calculus for algrythms for artificial intelligence senario sencing and like if statement but I call them senario conditions or event statements that have a ton of logic to make a whole orcastra slue to make some thing happen and shift threw them as an independent developer most math is some trigonometry some geometry mostly algbra mostly graphing and basic math definitely, may run into statistic mathematics as well sorta gimp ai be made out of that. hope that helps
+ 7
I think, if you understood the logic behind the language, everything is OK ;)
+ 6
math is everywhere, you need it
+ 5
No, you need a lot of lasagna
+ 3
you need math, it's important if you're making code/program. but you weak in math ? you not lonely, there is many programers weak in math at first, but their keep trying and never give up
+ 3
you only need to have a creative mind. use calculator for the rest
+ 3
no to become a good game programmer it's is not required to good at maths.best of luck for your game programmer carrier.
+ 2
Ahri is right, not every game is going to require being good at math, but even simple games require math. you don't have to be a mathematician, but the more math you understand the better off you will be
+ 2
Thanks guys 😉
+ 2
Logic =/= math, and u need the first one, math is pure logic, so if u know logic u don't need math.
+ 2
also some game engines do lot of havey lifting to be honest if you plan on line drawing every line in code to make any physical part of your game in 3d like walls mountain holding a gun or sword beer can ect. then yes what you do is wire frame with geometry and lock in skins for the wire areas to fill note gyomtry is the wire frame
+ 2
@HackingGirl sums it up nicely. by "good at maths," it's more important for anything related to programming that you have understanding of concepts. the number crunching can be done easily using machines.
+ 1
up to high school math will do
+ 1
In my opinion it's less physical math and more about formulas using your variables. Rather than working with physical math on your own you're letting the computer do most of that while you come up with the forum/algorithm for it. That's really as bad as it gets I feel.
+ 1
if your game has 3D graphics, I'd say some knowledge of 3D coordinate geometry and linear algebra (especially transforms) might help
+ 1
So the conclusion is this :
1. I need to practice maths but only right topics like 3D geometry and boolean maths etc
2. Being a good mathematician and a good programer are 2 different worlds
And I want to thank you for all the advices given to me 😉 GL to you all
+ 1
100% yes. If you wantto do the core of the game you will need to know lot's of math and physics if used.
+ 1
Maths is very very very important. It is the language of Universe. It will allow you to be independent of platforms