How To Execute form handling in php
Note That PHP SCRIPT and HTML Script should be in only one page that is in form tag you should not add action ="something. Php" but you can add action attribute but you can't redirect html page to php webpage
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Mandala Arunkumar
What handling of form you want to do. If you means about creating logon form and registration form with php then the first step is make the structure in html and add styles with css. Once you have done with this include php code in your html file.
For that first you need an server Xampp preferable. Then open phpmyadmin and cop that html file there with .php extension
Then make databse in phpmyadmin with the help of MySQL. Once you created database enter the fields and table according to your html file.
Now write Connectiy code in php inside that file and use MySQL qyery to fetch the data via php script.
If you have tried anything till now in this then attach your tried code I'll try to help you in completing that